And the winner is … ranking the PEBs: Slugger’s verdict on the party broadcasts of #AE22

It’s back! The Slugger review of the Party Election Broadcasts. Starting all the way back in 2014, we are returning to award the best party election broadcast of the 2022 Assembly campaign. This year we are assembling the same judges as in 2019 to help us decide who won the battle on TV. We have our own Alan Meban, the Belfast Telegraph Crime Correspondent, Allison Morris and Director of Brown O’Connor Communications, Chris Brown. How does it work? Each of …

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CISTA Party qualifies for a PEB in Northern Ireland…

Remember CISTA? You likely heard about them on Slugger first. They broadcast on UTV tonight… The first-ever party political broadcast by a party campaigning solely for reform of Britain’s drug laws will be shown in Northern Ireland on Thursday night. The Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol party (Cista) has registered 32 candidates for the general election, including four in Northern Ireland, enough to qualify it for a five-minute slot on television there. The four-and-a-half minute film airs on UTV and focuses …

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Maddest PEB Ever: Meet the Greens…

Just out this pm, ahem… Mick FealtyMick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty

PEB Report: Alliance on money, DUP on NI, and the SDLP’s fresh faces

I don’t propose doing a single and comprehensive rundown of all the party PEBs this election, but I will pick up on bunches of them as they go [flying] past. Alliance have had one out before the official campaign began, and it is just as slick in presentation as we have come to expect from them. Necessarily it focuses on their one seat they have to defend. Openness and transparency, and ending double jobbing and pushing out the work of …

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TUV fail Ofcom’s ‘major party’ test for automatic PEBs; are PEBs actually useful or necessary?

Ofcom have ruled that there is not sufficient evidence to designate TUV as a ‘major party’ in Northern Ireland and hence Jim Allister’s party are not automatically eligible to two Party Election Broadcasts on UTV in the run up to May’s General Election. Back in January I blogged about the consultation which asked whether UKIP, Green Party and TUV should be rebadged as ‘major parties’. Today’s statement from Ofcom [in detail] comes to the common sense conclusion: After carefully accessing …

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DUP to fight for flag, animal welfare and working with others..?

Not much to argue with in the Slugger ratings of the PEBs to date, but I thought this latest from the DUP was an interesting attempt to focus on the locals and to flag up [Really? – Ed] some potential directions on policy. Along with a decidedly soft launch for their ‘Belfast Manifesto’. I’d be interested in hearing what people think of it, not least given the pretty torrid time the party has had in the last few months… DUP's …

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SDLP launch an *online* PEB…

Interesting departure for the SDLP… LIke the Alliance full on broadcast video, it does not feature faces (one of the few weaknesses in that offering), but then again it’s a strictly internetty thing.. Interesting presentational format… What do you think? Mick FealtyMick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty

Alliance PEB preview

Alliance have avoided producing a traditional Political Election Broadcast and instead created something novel and modern. No voxpops. No politicians walking towards the camera struggling to remember their lines. No perfect families sitting in showhouse sets. It would be interesting to see the viewing figures for PEBs. Do people stick with them, or do they reach for the remote and channel-surf as they might do during the normal interstitials? It’s a shame that given the effort and thought that went …

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DUP Election Broadcast Preview…

cropped DUP logo

Upbeat for most of it, finishes with a beautifully oblique reference to that old Martin McGuinness as First Minister schtick (or the simple fix as Lord Trimble would have it)… Mick FealtyMick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty