This week’s #DigitalLunch ‘jumps off’ from where on Herr Baumgartner’s sensational (in more ‘senses’ than one) leap into space lands…
If you want to come along or just watch from your desktop (we don’t quite expect the 8 million Felix got, a few dozen would do us at this stage), you’ll be very welcome.
I guess some of you are still scratching your head as to what this digital lunch thing is all about. It’s pretty straightforward. It is interactive TV. Whilst radio has been doing this for more than a generation, Google’s HangoutonAir tool allows all of us to pile in.
Years ago I had a mate from school who did the pre journalism course at the College of Business Studies (most Belfast journalists of a certain age passed through that portal).
During one interview with the mother of a dirty protester in the Maze he noticed the TV screen was shattered. When matters came to a close he asked about the broken set.
“It was that bloody Roy Mason on last night. I couldn’t take any more of it, and threw my bottle of Guinness at the TV set.”
It’s an emotion many of us who grew up in the television age can relate to. To this day that fourth wall remains pretty solid. In Google Plus, the fourth wall is porous. You can comment on YouTube, here, or inside Google Plus.
If you already have gmail, you don’t even need to go anywhere near G+. Just make sure you download the video chat app in gmail and you can join us as part of the panel. You just need to have something [erm, sensible – Ed] to say.
Here’s a promo (WARNING: work still in progress) drawn from the first 12 lunches…
Mick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty
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