A quick heads up on Friday’s #DigitalLunch session on Google Plus… This week we ask how digital is affecting tourism? And not just at home, but globally.
To that end we hope to have guests from as far apart as a Caracas and east Africa, encompassing industry practitioners and travel writers.
In contrast to previous editions this week we can give you the URL where you will be able to watch the broadcast live, but also where (but you will only be able to contribute if you are registered for Google Plus) you give us questions to ask this week’s guests and vote for those you think are the most challenging…
This integrated Google Plus and Moderator page is a very early beta and not yet widely available. You will be able to post questions to it right up to and through the broadcast on Friday (1pm BST)…
The integration of these two tools takes audience participation to a different level. I will be relying very heavily on it in order to structure the session itself.
I like it because (registration issues aside) it is an open platform. Anyone can contribute questions and vote them up and down. Of course we will have the last word on what gets asked, and what doesn’t.
In other words the audience can ask and push what they consider to be the more important questions to the top. Provided you are registered for G+ you should be able to see the same dynamic question order that we can on the inside.
I’ll be posting the usual reminders on Friday morning… But if you have any relevant questions, let us have them now!!! If you want to get further involved, email me on [email protected] or ping me a message on G+ at gplus.to/mickfealty…
Even if tourism is not normally quite your thing, it should be good crack!!
Mick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty
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