Rose McGowan who has a role in the film Fifty Dead Men Walking based the IRA informer Martin McGartland has said that “I imagine, had I grown up in Belfast, I would 100 per cent have been in the IRA.” This has unsurprisingly drawn complains from unionist politicians, the Alliance Party and Willie Frazer of FAIR. Mid Ulster UUP MLA Billy Armstrong said As an IRA member would Miss McGowan have been happy to participate in the abduction, torture and murder of Jean McConville, a widow and mother of 10? Martin McGartland has also heavily criticised her remarks “She must have taken leave of her senses. Can’t she see that such remarks are incredibly insensitive to the families of victims of the IRA? She clearly doesn’t know anything about Northern Ireland.” It is of course interesting that although Ms. McGowan would 100% have been in the IRA Gerry Adams was of course not in the IRA: was he?
This author has not written a biography and will not be writing one.
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