Given the terms of the recently announced inquiry – “to examine in particular the way in which the Government carried out their obligation of candour..” – and the Secretary of State for Wales etc’s historically cavalier attitude to references, in particular, it might have been a good idea for his campaign team to double check the list of Labour MP’s who “would be willing to speak in favour of his bid for the deputy leadership” before releasing it. The Belfast Telegraph’s Mark Hookham found a couple of names on the list who were somewhat surprised to be asked for a quote.[scroll down] UpdatedFrom the Belfast Telegraph
But when the Belfast Telegraph called Kingswood MP Roger Berry, we were told he was likely to support Mr Hain, but had not yet given his permission to be listed as a backer.
He said: “I certainly did not give authorisation. I am discussing the situation with my constituency party. It’s either Peter or Hilary Benn (the international development secretary).”
Likewise, Peter Soulsby, MP for Leicester South, insisted he was keeping his options open.
The MP, who is “totally and utterly” opposed to renewing Trident, said: “I’ll be listening very carefully to what he [Hain] and others say before deciding”.
Hain4Labour campaign organiser Joe Carberry yesterday admitted there had been a “misunderstanding”.
Update As the re-edited Belfast Telegraph report now notes
Likewise, Peter Soulsby, MP for Leicester South, insisted he was keeping his options open.
The MP, who said he was “totally and utterly” opposed to renewing Trident, said: “My attitude at the moment is going to be very much affected by the various candidates’ attitudes to the replacement of the Trident missile system – I’ll be listening very carefully to what he (Hain) and others say before deciding.”
Hain4Labour campaign organiser Joe Carberry yesterday admitted there had been a “misunderstanding” between the Secretary of State and Mr Berry and that the backbencher’s name had been taken off the list.
Make that.. and Mr Soulsby’s name has been taken off the list
The full list of 24 MPs available for quotes now reads..
The following MPs are all available for quotes on Peter’s campaign:
Clive Betts MP
David Chaytor MP
Michael Clapham MP
John Cummins MP
Wayne David MP
Jim Devine MP
Maria Eagle MP*
Louise Ellman MP
Hywel Francis MP
Paul Goggins MP*
Patrick Hall MP
Eric Illsley MP
Piara Khabra MP
Martin Linton MP
Andrew Love MP
Jessica Morden MP
Dan Norris MP*
Albert Owen MP
Nick Palmer MP
Chris Ruane MP*
Mark Tami MP
Des Turner MP
Shaun Woodward MP
Phil Woolas MP** Campaign Team members
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