The Strategic Investment Board have released their Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland up to 2015.. notable, despite the headline figure of £16 Billion used in most reports, Secretary of State Peter Hain’s statement is here btw, there is only confirmed investment of £3.977 Billion, over the next 3 years, the rest is indicative investment.. and the £16 Billion figure carries a “could be up to” caveat.. the actual figure detailed is £14.418 Billion. The SINI summary document is here[PDF file] and the full details here[PDF file].. then we get into what proportion of the investment is in the form of Public Private Partnerships/Private Finance Initiatives..The difference between the figures for confirmed spending and indicative spending is shown in this image, from the full ISNI document –
A more detailed summary of departmental investment is here –
* This Budget line relates to smaller departments (e.g. NI Assembly, NI Audit Office, Assembly Ombudsman for NI, etc.)
† Note: In the cases of DEL, DETI, DFP, DHSSPS and DOE there is a difference betweenthe figures shown above for years 1-3 and the equivalent figures in Priorities and Budget 2006-2008. The ISNI figures include investment financed by off-balance sheet PFI projects, whereas this investment is not included in the budget figures.[added emphasis]
Those budget figures, btw, are available here[PDF file] – in Annex B
Those figures show capital investment by government, excluding PPP/PFI schemes, of £3.7762 Billion over the next 3 years.. a very small current allocation of PPP/PFI. That seems likely to change.
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