Barclays is not the problem

Barclays is a problem, no doubt. But it is not the problem. The problem is not a few cowboys, it’s the whole damn rodeo. Speaking with a friend who’s worked on nuclear anti-proliferation strategy on Saturday, I was struck by the contrast he drew between approaches to and expectations surrounding government regulation in both areas. Given nuclear technology’s tremendous potential for colossal harm it’s a no-brainer that stringent regulation, frequent spot-checks and the limitating of access to rigorously trained and …

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Barclays: perverting the course of financial affairs – cartoon (18)

  Forgive me if this illustration is a little graphic but when pondering how best to capture the whole Barclays LIBOR manipulation scandal, the flagrant disregard shown by those responsible and, what should have been, the patent criminality of the deed, I felt the above cartoon wholly appropriate. And sure we’re all adults here, so your captions are welcome! Brian SpencerBrian is a writer, artist, political cartoonist and legal blogger. Actively tweeting from @brianjohnspencr. More information here:

Barclays: “Shouldn’t we hear some answers before the condemned man is whacked?”

Timely analysis from Iain Martin on a trigger happy populism that could easily get out of hand… with a language straight out of Sean O’Casey… what is slightly depressing is the sanctimonious lynch-mob mentality which currently prevails. It was there over Hester’s bonus and Sir Fred, sorry Mr Fred, Goodwin’s knighthood. So intense has been the clamour from some MPs that Diamond is in the bizarre position of having been forced out before he has had a chance to try …

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