SF’s YouTube #fail: The audience also own the frames which surround your ‘social data’…

I was very happy to see John had picked up early on the ‘Minister hit by Jeep’ controversy at the weekend. It facilitated a fascinating conversation, and captured the fact that reader DC’s satirical response to An Phoblacht’s YouTube video of the incident was taken down after a complaint of copyright infringement from An Phoblacht themselves. An Phoblacht’s view count was way off their normal scale. By the end of 24 hours it had had 44k views. A success you …

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Scottish Independence campaign certainly knows how to tell a good story…

Picked this up this evening from Bella Caledonia (via James Bailey on Google Plus)…. Whatever about the capacity or otherwise of the Scottish economy to easily pick up the tab for its two pillar banks (and there’s nothing in the public domain heretofore to suggest that it would not have happened), this is a great piece of political story telling… Watch out for the annotations who is and who is not… and the Yes campaign’s top tip on how to …

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#DigitalLunch: Song For Lily Mae, Generation Z and why we don’t have to go to war any more…

If you want to join us in whatever is we get to talk about, so long as you have gmail, Google Plus or even a YouTube account (and have downloaded this app), you can jump in here… We’re live from 1pm, or whenever after that we have quorum.. No agenda this week, you get to set it for us? You can pick it up here or on YouTube… Stuff we talked about… – Andrew Gallagher joined us who was involved …

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Maybe what we need is more activist photographers?

It’s disconcerting being photographed. I presume that was part of the reasoning of East German Border Guards taking copious amounts of them of the hoards of tourists that used to visit Checkpoint Charlie in the old days (or February 1986 to you and me)… It puzzled me for years afterwards what they might do with a set of photographs of people I presume they could know nor log or even process effectively in those days when Intel processers were much …

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