Stormont: a brief retrospective; then glimpsing forward…

Stormont View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: transformation conflict) Last Thursday I was asked by NICVA to present to a range of voluntary organisations on the first 19 months of the reinstated democratic institutions. I began with a reminder of where we’d been before; and the significance, in public diplomacy terms, of the Chuckle Brothers routine. And thence on to where I believe the events (and non events) of the last 19 months have taken us. The presentation …

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Two monsters…

I just picked up David McKee’s (he of King Rollo, Mr Benn and Not now Bernard) Two Monsters to read to my youngest this morning… Maybe it’s just me, but it came over as an acutely prophetic (first published in 1986) parable of the Northern Ireland story. Two monsters on two sides of a mountain (west and east) who never see each other but communicate through a hole argue over whether sunset is day leaving or night arriving. They fight, …

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