“a challenging project for which there is no agreed international framework…”

Despite having agreed “a detailed timetable” at a North South Ministerial Council in October 2012 “to bring in new laws for the mutual recognition of penalty points in both jurisdictions” The Ministers agreed the detailed timetable for the drafting, passage and enactment of parallel legislation, north and south, by 31st December 2014 to allow the mutual recognition of penalty points across Ireland. The timetable was agreed at today’s North South Ministerial Council Transport Meeting in Armagh, where Minister Varadkar met with the …

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“A person in county Donegal… may know of a process against him being before a court in Northern Ireland but that alone is not sufficient”

Here’s an interesting, if legally technical, story from the Irish Times.  Apparently a Northern Ireland judge has ruled that “its courts do not have the jurisdiction to proceed with cases where the defendant is resident outside the UK unless a summons has been served on them through the court.”  And that includes Ireland.  From the Irish Times report The test case was brought after a man with Donegal address and an Irish driver’s licence was caught travelling at 44mph in …

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