Irish News now sells more full price copies than Belfast Telegraph

local paper mastheads Belfast Telegraph Irish News News Letter

The latest set of audited circulation figures for Irish newspapers were published yesterday by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. While the ABCs show some minor growth in portions of the local industry, they still highlight an overall year on year decline. The most startling finding is that the Irish News has overtaken the Belfast Telegraph in terms of the number of copies sold each day at the full ‘basic cover price’. However, the Belfast Telegraph’s circulation has not plummeted as …

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Belfast Telegraph to drop evening edition, while News Letter may (not) go weekly?

Six weeks ago I posted about the continued decline in the circulation of local newspapers. Amongst the stable of Belfast dailies, the ABC figures for July-December 2011 showed that the Belfast Telegraph had lost 8.1% (4,270 copies) compared to the same period in 2010, and 9.4% (5,548 copies) when compared to the first six months of 2011. In fact, when free and discounted copies were taken out of the figures – eg, the copies that you find in hotels, airline …

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