Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a Guide in Turbulent Times (watch back)

Last night, the very room in The MAC which hosted the launch of NI21 six years ago to the day, was the venue for a panel discussion on Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a Guide in Turbulent Times. Mary Davis, John Barry and Costas Lapavitsas contributed to the well-attended event that was organised by Ulster University’s School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences in association with Reclaim the Agenda and Slugger O’Toole.

Free event: Friday 7th June. Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a guide in turbulent times…

The School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences at Ulster University, Reclaim the Agenda and Slugger O’Toole, warmly invite you to join us for a panel discussion on Brexit, Borders and Beyond: Marxism as a guide in turbulent times, on 7th June 2019, at the Mac Belfast, 6-8 pm. The event will start with drinks and light refreshments. Guest Speakers include: Costas Lapavitsas, Professor of Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, author of The Left …

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‘The Living Spirit of Revolt: the Infrapolitics of Anarchism’: Book Review

How can anarchism get beyond marginalized impacts, finicky theorists, and squabbling activists? A Slovenian political scientist, Žiga Vodovnik, offers suggestions forward. This concise survey occupies a space, if pre-Occupy (despite a 2013 copyright for the English translation this offers no updates but the late Howard Zinn, who died in 2010, provides an encouraging introduction), where an overview of anarchism’s philosophies and history segues into a connection to not only Continental and British thinkers, but its overlooked, attenuated American Transcendental roots. …

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Eric Hobsbawm: a tarnished or triumphant reputation?

How is it possible to be a major historian and an apologist for communism?  It may depend on the breadth of your horizons.  Without tackling the question head-on, Eric Hobsbawm who died yesterday at the age of 95 explained himself  in his own terms on this fundamental point in the introduction to Age of Extremes :The short twentieth Century 1914-1991 he called The Century: a Bird’s Eye View.  His synthesis on this most terrible and most transforming of centuries that …

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