Using data for public good – launch of Detail Data

NICVA’s relationship with investigative journalism website The Detail began with the reporting on the umbrella organisation’s research paper on The Impact of Welfare Reform on Northern Ireland. Lisa McElherron said she was thrilled to launch the Detail Data project. NICVA had been keen (1) to better tell the stories of the sector they represent; (2) to forge better links into the media to tell those stories; and (3) to harness the thirst for public data and to ultimately deliver better …

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In praise of dissidents – non-violent dissenters with ideas

Lisa McElherron gave – for me – the most heartfelt and memorable talk at this year’s TEDxBelfast event. Belfast has a long history of dissent, and at times their challenge has been used for positive outcomes. Lisa spoke passionately about her life-long admiration for … … those who speak out, who challenge consensus, who speak for those who can’t, and who go against the grain. She finished: Dissent. It’s our word and we want it back. Alan Meban (Alan in …

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