Jez they could. And Corbyn’s new broom to sweep @UKLabour clean…

I think Jeff is hardening something small into something unfeasibly big re Jeremy Corbyn. He’s not an Irish Republican, he’s a leftist leader of the British Labour party. Yet it does show how easy it is going to be to raid his personal cuttings and turn them against him. Two quick thoughts. One, I’m with Brian in thinking he makes Labour less electable. (Although it’s highly questionable if any of the others would have turned it round either). Yet Labour has ‘captured’ an …

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Does Labour need a functional means to lead rather than fight the Corbyn effect?

 Apart from recommending Turgon’s corrective to the UK’s misremembered (and highly politicised) recent past, Matthew D’Ancona’s comparison between Trump and Corbyn throws another compelling perspective on history and time in the digital era: The structure of western politics is in radical transition. In May, the British general election was won in the most conventional manner imaginable. As Blair had warned in an interview with the Economist in January, it proved to be an election “in which a traditional leftwing party …

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