Is Stormont’s committee system delivering sufficient punch?

All and any organizations will in the end be run by those who stay awake in committee. – Worstall’s Law You don’t often hear people accusing elected officials of working ‘too hard’. Normally, the opposite is alleged, that they are lazy jobsworths that only show up when compelled by whips or to vote on their own pay. The image of an empty chamber on the living wage vote at Westminster, compared with a packed chamber on MP’s pay (since shown to …

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#onthehill Alex Maskey explaining the work and role of NI Assembly committees

The work of committees up at Stormont is a crucial part of the democratic jigsaw, many of them scrutinising the plans and work of Executive departments. On Tuesday I asked Alex Maskey about the role of committees in general, and then more specifically about the Social Development committee which he chairs. Alex Maskey explaining the role and work of @niassembly committees (mp3) After a couple of minutes of prelude looking at the context of the Assembly and Executive and the …

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