Pick up the Church’s gauntlet over gay marriage

 In the latest twister among the ecclesiastical storms over gay marriage, Simon Jenkins in fine form  denounces the obscurantism of the Church of England.(P.S. First time round, I missed Mick on dear old Ken who on this one isn’t yet wise enough to be embarrassed in polite company).  In their latest move calculated to raise the stakes with political opinion, the C of E is fulfilling its modern self-appointed role and speaking for all denominations including the Catholics. Jenkins , an agnostic who …

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“So stick to the day job, archbishop, I’d say”

Before spending too much time contemplating the political musings of the supernaturalist archbishop [or, indeed, those of the publicity-hungry former Prime Minister – Ed], read Michael White’s post. Rowan Williams is guest-editing this week’s New Statesman (will he do for the Spectator next week? Don’t be silly) and used the occasion to gain exclusive access into the political views of – yes – himself ! Williams thinks the coalition lacks a democratic mandate for its radical package of austerity measures …

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