Fishing at the Edge of the Rubicon

During the course of this General Election campaign, the tectonic plates of international relations have slipped, dramatically. The G7, the borderline disastrous NATO summit, and Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change, add up to most dramatic rift in the Western Alliance for decades – all in the space of a week. Yet serious debate on foreign policy has been strangely absent from the campaign, not only among the politicians and the pundits, but even …

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“56 per cent of Northern Irish electors who voted remain could end up underrepresented in Brexit debates”

Fascinating developments across the water in this election. My old mucker from Daily Telegraph days, Robert Colvile points out that it arises less from a failure of Tories, but more from a general consolidation of opposition voters behind Labour in England (and the SNP in Scotland). What has actually transformed the race is not the falling popularity of Theresa May, but the rising popularity of Jeremy Corbyn. Here is the same chart plotting both Corbyn and Labour’s YouGov ratings. You’ll …

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