Motoring could become more expensive for NI motorists

Slugger has had a number of excellent articles this year on transport especially in Belfast with the new bus lanes etc. Largely un-noticed, however, has been one seemingly unimportant event which may have significant relevance for many of Northern Ireland’s drivers. Clearly the recent reduction in the price of fuel is welcomed by many / most. However, despite the fall in price it must be remembered that most of the cost of fuel is tax and that tax might be …

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NI Consumer Council ask OFT to look at price of car insurance

Both the BBC and the Belfast Telegraph this week ran the story that the Consumer Council have asked the Office for Fair Trading to look at the car insurance market here in Northern Ireland. It appears that the average price for insurance in Northern Ireland is £924 which is apparently a 74% increase in the last two years. For younger drivers the rise has been 112%. Prices are on average 84% higher than those in mainland GB. The Consumer Council …

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