Mick Fealty

Thursday, June 27, 2002


Mayor Maskey decides discretion is the better part of valor (for now at least) over the commemoration of the Somme in Belfast. It may be too soon for both his own and Unionist supporters in the City. Meanwhile Mark Durkan …

Mick Fealty

SDLP launches new logo and ‘outreach’ to unionism


The SDLP reveal their new logo today, retaining socialist red, with a slight tinge of nationalist green, and a full crescent of unionist orange. This, and its shift in language from a ‘united’ to ‘integrated Ireland’, is being seen by …

Mick Fealty

Wednesday, June 26, 2002


As claim and counterclaim proliferate over collusion between security forces and loyalist paramilitaries, there is a first few tentative calls for something like a truth commission to bring the conflict to some kind of final rest. Whilst Ulster does its …

Mick Fealty

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


The SDLP is the subject of much speculation these days. It appears to be making overtures to Unionists by incorporating the colour orange into it’s new logo.

Mick Fealty

Nascanna níos láidre idir Fianna Fail agus an SDLP?


Fiafraíonn Robert McMillen an bhfuil baill áirithe d’Fhianna Fáil ag breath chun nascanna níos láidre a chothú idiru féin agus an SDLP, de bhri go bhfuil Sinn Féin ag éirí níos láidre mar pháirtí?

Mick Fealty

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


Whilst the controversy over collusion between the security forces and loyalist paramilitary death squads continues, there is a new wave of more skeptical coverage of the story. From Malachi O’Doherty who suggests that pushing further is a serious form of …


Tuesday, June 25, 2002


Whilst the hiatus pundits are still speculating about when the executive will next break down, there are still several ministers who are showing a passion for the job of government. Martin McGuinness at Education said at the weekend “I intend …


Monday, June 24, 2002


Here’s a few encouraging words about ‘Letter to Slugger O’Toole’ from Spiked-online journalist Brendan O’Neill.


Monday, June 24, 2002


Looks like the UUP are getting caught by the off-side rule yet again in their efforts to get the Parades Commission to re-consider it’s ruling against the Orange Order over the Garvaghy Road route. The Order themselves are not happy, …


Monday, June 24, 2002


Ahern and Blair are to call a meeting of all the Pro-agreement parties next week. The Stevens enquiry rumbles on in the Guardian, whilst the Independent emphasises that MI5 actively obstructed the investigation of the Finucane case. Neil McKay in …